December 8, 2006 - 1,148 New Maps Added

The following are highlights from 1,148 New Maps added to the David Rumsey Collection. All titles may be found by launching the Insight Browser or Java Client and searching under Search/by Publication Author using the author last names below. Or click here to view all 1,148 new maps.

Atlas Nouveau, 1742
Lisle, Guillaume de; Covens & Mortier, Amsterdam
121 maps and text pages. The Amsterdam edition of De Lisle's maps, adding maps by Sanson, Jaillot and others. View Atlas. Or compare this atlas combined with the earlier 1731 Paris edition by DeLisle

Globo Terrestre, Globo Celeste, 1792
Cassini, Giovanni Maria, Rome
24 globe gores on 8 sheets with 2 additional plates. 12 terrestrial and 12 celestial globe gores from an important Italian map publisher. View Globes

New Universal Atlas, 1802
Kitchin, Thomas; Robert Laurie and James Whittle, London.
91 Maps. Maps dated 1794-1802. Many of the maps are updated from Kitchin's 1790 General Atlas, and Thomas Jefferys' 1776 American Atlas. View Atlas

New and Elegant General Atlas, 1804
Arrowsmith, Aaron; Lewis, Samuel, Philadelphia
63 maps. An early American atlas that went through several editions. It is an interesting example of collaboration between London (Arrowsmith) and Philadelphia (Lewis) map makers. View Atlas

Map of the United States, Exhibiting the Post-roads, 1809
Bradley, Abraham Junior, Washington, D.C.
Third edition. The map is dated 1804 but the delineation of the political geography indicates a date of 1809. An important road map showing the system of postal routes of the emerging United States. View Map. Compare this map to the fourth edition of Bradley's postal map, 1812.

New and Elegant General Atlas, 1812
Arrowsmith, Aaron; Lewis, Samuel, Boston
63 maps. A later edition of the Arrowsmith and Lewis atlas. View Atlas

Edinburgh Geographical and Historical Atlas, 1831
Lizars, Daniel; Hamilton, John, Edinburgh and London
66 Maps. Some of the finest maps of the period. This atlas was very accurate in this first edition; later editions were not always sufficiently updated. View Atlas

Land Sale Maps, San Francisco, California, 1860-1873
(California) Board of Tide Land Commissioners, Britton & Co, San Francisco
A group of six maps showing lands for sale in the city of San Francisco and in the tide-lands around San Francisco Bay. View Maps

Atlas of the Entire City of New York, 1879
G.W. Bromley & Co.; Geo. W. Bromley & E. Robinson, New York
62 Maps. Bromley published several atlases of New York City and this was his first. Shows land ownership and building locations in great detail. Various newspaper articles and other documents are attached to the versos of many maps, explaining the history of areas keyed in manuscript on the maps. Annotations or pasted-on notes on most maps. View Atlas

Allgemeiner Handatlas, 1881
Andree, Richard, Leipzig
72 Maps. First edition of an important 19th and early 20th century German world atlas. The maps are printed in color and simplified compared to the competing Stieler world atlases also published in Germany at that time. The atlas features many innovative thematic maps. View Atlas

Letts's Popular Atlas, 1883
Letts, Son & Co., London
152 Maps. An inexpensive and highly detailed popular British atlas, with especially detailed coverage of India and Russia, and many cities of the world. View Atlas

Atlas of New Hampshire, 1892
D.H. Hurd & Co., Boston
281 Maps and views. This massive state atlas uses a new style of view with the maps - a cross between photography and drawn views. View Atlas

The Times Atlas, 1895
Times (London, England); Andree, Richard, London
78 Maps. First edition of the Times Atlas of the World, with maps by Richard Andree of Germany, translated into English. Compare this atlas to the Andree Handatlas above. View Atlas. In later editions (1922), The Times used maps published by John Bartholomew of Edinburgh. The earlier collaboration with a German publishing house was unusual.

Atlas California Earthquake, April 18, 1906, 1908
California. State Earthquake Investigation Commission, Washington, D.C.
41 Maps and diagrams. Detailed maps and geologic profiles of the devastating San Francisco earthquake of 1906, plus reproductions of seismograms from many earthquake stations. View Atlas