- News
- September 27, 2004
San Francisco Chronicle Interviews David Rumsey
Read the article that appeared on September 27, 2004 in the San Francisco Chronicle, about Rumsey's work and his book with Edith Punt, Cartographica Extraordinaire.
3 Comments on San Francisco Chronicle Interviews David Rumsey
malcolm enright
on May 10, 2012 at 1:42AM wrote:
delighted to find your great work, I was searching for info on my copy (2nd – 1881) Adam’s Chronology of the World’s Civilisations . . . I have subscribed via RSS and linked to you on my ephemeral-male blog
didier godry
on February 2, 2013 at 10:15AM wrote:
Bonjour, votre collection de map historique est une référence de la domaine de la cartographie, scincére félicitation pour cette passion que vous avez eu pour rassembler tout ces documents. Bien à vous didier
te felicito por la coleccion…tengo un mapa antiguo del 1597 ,america del sur