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Tyrol, Voralberg, Lichtenstein. Radefeld, Carl Christian Franz, 1788-1874 ; Meyer, Joseph, 1796-1856, 1849

Tyrol, Voralberg, Lichtenstein. / Radefeld, Carl Christian Franz, 1788-1874 ; Meyer, Joseph, 1796-1856 / 1849
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Full Title: Gefurstete Grafschaft Tyrol nebst Voralberg und Lichtenstein (i.e., Liechtenstein). 1849. Entw. u. gez. vom Major Radefeld. E. Biedermann sc. Stich, Druck u. Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts in Hildburghausen, (1860)

Author: Radefeld, Carl Christian Franz, 1788-1874 ; Meyer, Joseph, 1796-1856

Date: 1849

This historical cartographic image is part of the David Rumsey Historical Map Collection, www.davidrumsey.com, a large collection of online antique, rare, old, and historical maps, atlases, globes, charts, and other cartographic items. Read more about the Collection. Or you can view the entire David Rumsey Map Collection in Insight.

Full David Rumsey Map Collection Catalog Record:

Author: Radefeld, Carl Christian Franz, 1788-1874 ; Meyer, Joseph, 1796-1856

Date: 1849

Short Title: Tyrol, Voralberg, Lichtenstein.

Publisher: Hildburghausen: Bibliographischen Instituts

Type: Atlas Map

Object Height cm: 30

Object Width cm: 36

Scale 1: 810,000

Note: Engraved map. Administrative boundaries hand col. Relief shown by hachures. Includes table of highest points. "Meyer's Handatlas No. 127." Prime meridian: Ferro.

Country: Austria ; Liechtenstein

Full Title: Gefurstete Grafschaft Tyrol nebst Voralberg und Lichtenstein (i.e., Liechtenstein). 1849. Entw. u. gez. vom Major Radefeld. E. Biedermann sc. Stich, Druck u. Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts in Hildburghausen, (1860)

List No: 4807.068

Page No: 66

Series No: 70

Engraver or Printer: Biedermann, E.

Published In: Grosser Hand-Atlas uber alle Theile der Erde in 170 Karten. Herausgegeben von J. Meyer. Hildburghausen Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts. (1860)

Publication Author: Meyer, Joseph, 1796-1856

Publication Date: 1860

Publication Reference: Espenhorst, J. Andree, Stieler, Meyer & Co., 3.3.1; not in Phillips.

Publication Note: This is Meyer's grandest production, a real tour de force that has fifty maps of the Americas including thirty three maps that are derived from the Tanner/Mitchell Universal atlas maps of the various U.S. States and Territories, Canada, and South America and are dated from 1844 to 1854 (with most dated 1844 or 1845). Many of the maps in this atlas have Philadelphia as a place of publication (along with several other cities) indicating that there may have been an arrangement with Tanner and/or Mitchell to copy the maps. The U.S. maps dated 1844-46 all appear to derive from a late 1830s edition of Tanner's Universal atlas. Those dated from 1850-54 derive from the Mitchell and Thomas Cowperthwait issues of the Universal atlas from 1850-54. Espenhorst lists a separate atlas (3.3.3) published in 1860 with these U.S. maps only, titled "Grosse und vollstandiger Auswanderungs-Atlas fur Nordamerika." The Iowa, Wisconsin, and Texas maps are not copied from the Universal atlas, but all the others are almost exact copies and it is strange that no credit is given to Tanner or Mitchell. Notwithstanding that, the copies are beautifully done and in some cases (the California map adds an inset of San Francisco Bay not on the Mitchell version) superior to the American originals. Wheat misses the Tanner/Mitchell derivation in the two maps he cites. The other maps in the atlas are all superbly engraved and the city maps have exquisite views -- all combining to make this the finest German atlas of the mid 19th century. Full and outline hand coloring. Maps are bound in half leather marbled boards with "Meyer's Grosser Hand-Atlas aller Theile der Erde." stamped on the spine in gilt. Scarce.

Publication List No: 4807.000

Publication Type: World Atlas

Publication Maps: 168

Publication Height cm: 38

Publication Width cm: 50

Image No: 4807068

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