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Oratorio, Nutka. Espinosa y Tello, J. 1802

Oratorio, Nutka. / Espinosa y Tello, J. / 1802
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Full Title: Oratorio del Fays de Nutka. (Num. 15).

Author: Espinosa y Tello, J.

Date: 1802

This historical cartographic image is part of the David Rumsey Historical Map Collection, www.davidrumsey.com, a large collection of online antique, rare, old, and historical maps, atlases, globes, charts, and other cartographic items. Read more about the Collection. Or you can view the entire David Rumsey Map Collection in Insight.

Full David Rumsey Map Collection Catalog Record:

Author: Espinosa y Tello, J.

Date: 1802

Short Title: Oratorio, Nutka.

Publisher: Madrid: Imprenta Real

Type: View

Object Height cm: 22

Object Width cm: 12

Note: Engraved illustration of the praying room of Macuina.

State / Province: British Columbia

Full Title: Oratorio del Fays de Nutka. (Num. 15).

List No: 4476.015

Series No: 17

Published In: Atlas para el Viage de las Goletas Sutil y Mexicana al reconocimiento del Estrecho de Juan de Fuca en 1792, Publicado en 1802.

Publication Author: Espinosa y Tello, J.

Publication Date: 1802

Publication Reference: P1221; Streeter 2458; Graff 1262; Howes G18(under Galiano, "dd"); Cowen, p.198; Sabin 69221; Wagner, Northwest Coast, p225-233, p252-254, vol 1, and #861, vol 2; Lowery 95, 704; Cook, "Flood Tide of Empire."

Publication Note: The Spanish "Vancouver." Atlas volume only, first edition. Sometimes attributed to Dionisio Alcala Galiano. The title of the text volume is "Relacion del Viage Hecho por las Goletas Sutil y Mexicana en al ano 1792 para reconocer el estrecho de Fuca..." The last and very important voyage up the Pacific coast to be undertaken by Spain is detailed in the nine maps and eight plates of the atlas. Galiano and Cayetano Valdes led the expedition, arriving in the northwest at the same time as Vancouver. Although the maps were published four years after the Vancouver maps, Wagner considers them in many respects to be superior, and Humboldt used them in his Essai Politique sur le Royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne. Wagner further states: "The general impression today...is that the English discoveries of Vancouver were published four years before those of the Spaniards. This...is a misapprehension... The principal reason, however, why the nomenclature and geography of Vancouver came to occupy the field was that his maps were extensively copied by the famous English cartographer, Aaron Arrowsmith, and later by the English Admiralty."

Publication List No: 4476.000

Publication Type: Exploration Book

Publication Maps: 9

Publication Height cm: 32

Publication Width cm: 23

Image No: 4476015

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