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The coast of the United States from New York to St. Augustine (2nd sheet) Blunt, Edmund M. (Edmund March), 1770-1862, 1827

The coast of the United States from New York to St. Augustine (2nd sheet) / Blunt, Edmund M. (Edmund March), 1770-1862 / 1827
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Full Title: The coast of the United States of North America; from New York to St. Augustine (2nd sheet) drawn and regulated according the the latest surveys and astronomical observations by Edmund Blunt. New York: published by E. & G.W. Blunt, 154 Water Street, corner of Maiden Lane. Engraved & printed by W. Hooker, 202 Water Street, New York. Entered acording to Act of Congress the 3rd. day of April 1827 by E. & G.W. Blunt of the State of New York.

Author: Blunt, Edmund M. (Edmund March), 1770-1862

Date: 1827

This historical cartographic image is part of the David Rumsey Historical Map Collection, www.davidrumsey.com, a large collection of online antique, rare, old, and historical maps, atlases, globes, charts, and other cartographic items. Read more about the Collection. Or you can view the entire David Rumsey Map Collection in Insight.

Full David Rumsey Map Collection Catalog Record:

Author: Blunt, Edmund M. (Edmund March), 1770-1862

Date: 1827

Short Title: The coast of the United States from New York to St. Augustine (2nd sheet)

Publisher: New York: E. & G.W. Blunt.

Type: Chart Map

Object Height cm: 55

Object Width cm: 95

Scale 1: 900,000

Note: Second of 4-sheet engraved nautical chart. Relief shown by hachures; depths shown by soundings. Light house coloring added by hand in red. Includes dedication to Saml. L. Southard, Secy. of the U.S. Navy. Oriented with north toward right.

Reference: Guthorn, United States coastal charts, p. 9.

State / Province: U.S. North East ; U.S. South

Full Title: The coast of the United States of North America; from New York to St. Augustine (2nd sheet) drawn and regulated according the the latest surveys and astronomical observations by Edmund Blunt. New York: published by E. & G.W. Blunt, 154 Water Street, corner of Maiden Lane. Engraved & printed by W. Hooker, 202 Water Street, New York. Entered acording to Act of Congress the 3rd. day of April 1827 by E. & G.W. Blunt of the State of New York.

List No: 4662.006

Series No: 7

Engraver or Printer: Hooker, William

Published In: (Atlas of 4 charts on 10 sheets) The north eastern coast of North America from New York to Cape Canso including Sable Island by Edmund Blunt. Published & Sold by E. & G.W. Blunt, No. 154 Water Street ... G. Ely Sct. Engd. by D.R. Harrison. Entered ... 22nd day of July 1828, by Edmund Blunt ... New York (3 sheets); The coast of the United States of North America from New York to St. Augustine: drawn and regulated according to the latest surveys and astronomical observation: by Edmund Blunt ... (4 sheets, 1827); The Bahama Banks and Gulf of Florida by Edmund Blunt Hydrographer ... (2 sheets, 1827); The coasts of West Florida, Alabama, Mississippi & Louisiana: Drawn from the surveys of Gauld, and improved from other authorities by Edmund Blunt (1 sheet, 1828).

Publication Author: E. & G.W. Blunt (Firm)

Publication Date: 1828

Publication Reference: cf Phillips. 3661; Guthorn. p.9-10, 56, 92-93, 160-161.

Publication Note: An unusual made up atlas of Blunt's charts in excellent condition, bound in quarter leather marbled paper covered boards for a French owner, with a small leather label on the spine: "Blunt. Ameriq. Septentrionale." The four charts on 10 sheets are all in first editions. Atlases of Blunt's charts are rare, with the Library of Congress atlas of 14 charts on 29 sheets the only other one we have seen.

Publication List No: 4662.000

Publication Type: Chart Atlas

Publication Maps: 10

Publication Height cm: 67

Publication Width cm: 53

Image No: 4662006

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