Browse All : Images by Beauregard, G. T. and Davis, George B. from U.S. Civil War

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Abbot, Henry L.; Comsto...
Siege of Yorktown.
[Abbot, Henry L., Comstock, Cyrus B., United States. War Department, Wagner, Orlando G.]
Full Title
Reconnaissance of secession works and plan of Siege of Yorktown. Made under orders of Gen'l. Barnard and Maj. Humphreys by Lieut. Abbot, Top. Engrs., Lieut. Comstock, Engrs., Lieut. Wagner, Top. Engrs. April and May 1862. Map no. 1. siege plan ... (with) Map of the battle-field of Shiloh, April 6th and 7th 1862. Accompanying report of Gen. G.T. Beauregard ... Topographical sketch of the line of operations of the Army of the Ohio, under the command of Major General D.C. Buell. Evacuation of Corinth by the enemy, May 30th, 1862 ... surveyed ... 1862 by N. Michler ... assisted by John E. Weiss (i.e. Weyss) ... Julius Bien & Co., Lith., N.Y. (1891-1895)
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Col. map with 2 ancillary maps. Relief shown by hachures.
Soederquist, Oscar; Uni...
Suffolk & vicinity.
[Soederquist, Oscar, United States. War Department]
Full Title
Military map of Suffolk and vicinity for Brig. Gen. E.L. Viele. Surveyed and drawn by Oscar Soederquist ... (with) Plan of Fort Esperanza, Tex. (with) Map of Morris Island and the adjacent creeks. From U.S. Coast Survey 1823-4. Sand hills from a survey 6th June 1862 ... indorsement (sic) of Gen. G.T. Beauregard ... (with) Proposed secondary line of defense on the peninsula between Ashepoo and Combahee Rivers, S.C., November 4, 1863 ... letter from Brig. Gen. W.S. Walker ... ... Julius Bien & Co., Lith., N.Y. (1891-1895)
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Col. map. with 3 ancillary maps. Relief shown by hachures.
Beauregard, G. T.; Conf...
Forts Sumter & Moultrie...
[Beauregard, G. T., Confederate States of America. Army]
Full Title
View of terre-plein of the gorge of Fort Sumter showing the guns on barbette, April 15th, 1861. Parade of Fort Moultrie showing south-western portion of soldiers barracks &c. April 16th, 1861 ... North-western angle of Fort Moultrie, interior of ramparts, back of western barracks, western side of Citadel, brick traverse for protection of magazine, sandbags covering magazine ... View of terre-pleine and parapet of eastern flank of Fort Sumter, also showing traverse constructed to counteract enfilading fire ... Barracks on north face of parade, Fort Moultrie ... South-western angle and face of Fort Moultrie ... Officers quarters, eastern portion of parade, Fort Moultrie ... Western barracks, Fort Moultrie seen from parapets showing the back of the buildings ... Channel face and south-western angle of the ramparts of Fort Moultrie ... (all) Charleston Harbor, S.C.. Accompanying report of Brig. Gen. G.T. Beauregard, C.S. Army. Julius Bien & Co., Lith., N.Y. (1891-1895)
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Nine sepia-toned lithographs.
Beauregard, G. T.; Conf...
Forts Sumter & Moultrie...
[Beauregard, G. T., Confederate States of America. Army]
Full Title
Exterior view of the gorge of Fort Sumter on the 14th April 1861, after its evacuation by Maj. Robert Anderson ... Channel face of Fort Moultrie with bomb-proof shelter and flag staff, April 16th 1861 ... Sullivan's Island, Battery Beauregard 1864 ... Fort Sumter, December 9th 1863, view of south-east angle. Fort Sumter, December 9th 1863, interior view of three-gun battery. Fort Sumter December 9th 1863, view from south-west angle. Fort Sumter, December 9th 1863, view of entrance to three-gun battery. Julius Bien & Co., Lith., N.Y. (1891-1895)
List No
Eleven sepia-toned lithographs. All accompany report of (or in possession of, or approved by) Gen. G.T. Beauregard, C.S. Army.
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