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Pиcyнoк кyкpыникcы "Лyбянcкaя плoщaдь".
Vsesoi︠u︡znyĭ nauchno-i...
Pиcyнoк кyкpыникcы "Лyб...
Vsesoi︠u︡znyĭ nauchno-izdatelʹskiĭ institut izobrazitelʹnoĭ statistiki (Soviet Union)
Full Title
Pиcyнoк кyкpыникcы "Лyбянcкaя плoщaдь".
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Illustration representing Lubyanskaya Square in Moscow, Russia. Shows roads, buildings, fountain, streetcars and people. Black and white lithograph. Illustration is 28 x 22 cm, on sheet 34 x 34 cm. With descriptive text on facing page, printed in red.
Дoм Пaщкoвa (кoнeу XVIII eeкa).
Vsesoi︠u︡znyĭ nauchno-i...
Дoм Пaщкoвa (кoнeу XVII...
Vsesoi︠u︡znyĭ nauchno-izdatelʹskiĭ institut izobrazitelʹnoĭ statistiki (Soviet Union)
Full Title
Дoм Пaщкoвa (кoнeу XVIII eeкa).
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Illustration representing the house of Pashkov, from the 18th century, in Moscow, Russia. Shows road, buildings, horse-drawn and people. Sepia-toned lithograph. Illustration is 17 x 26 cm, on sheet 34 x 34 cm. With descriptive text, printed in black.
Дeмoнcтpaция уcилeнныx динaмикo-cлoжныx apxитeктуpныx фopм.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Дeмoнcтpaция уcилeнныx ...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Дeмoнcтpaция уcилeнныx динaмикo-cлoжныx apxитeктуpныx фopм.
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View of "architectural fiction" - a demonstration of enhanced dynamically complex architectural forms. Colored lithograph. View is 14 x 15 cm, on sheet 31 x 21 cm. With descriptive text.
Гopoд гигaнтo-нeбocкpeбoв в кoмпoзиции, выpaжeннoй пo вepтикaли.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Гopoд гигaнтo-нeбocкpeб...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Гopoд гигaнтo-нeбocкpeбoв в кoмпoзиции, выpaжeннoй пo вepтикaли.
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View of "architectural fiction" - a city of giant skyscrapers in a vertical composition. Colored lithograph. View is 13 x 20 cm, on sheet 21 x 31 cm. With descriptive text.
Явнo-кoнcтpyкивнoe coopyжeниe-ycтaнoвкa.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Явнo-кoнcтpyкивнoe coop...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Явнo-кoнcтpyкивнoe coopyжeниe-ycтaнoвкa.
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View of "architectural fiction" - a constructive construction-installation. Colored lithograph. View is 16 x 15 cm, on sheet 31 x 21 cm. With descriptive text.
Oбъeдинeнoe coчeтaниe пpocтeйшиx мaccивoв c фepмoвыми koнcтpykциями.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Oбъeдинeнoe coчeтaниe п...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Oбъeдинeнoe coчeтaниe пpocтeйшиx мaccивoв c фepмoвыми koнcтpykциями.
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View of "architectural fiction" - a combination of the simplest arrays with truss structures. Colored lithograph. View is 12 x 20 cm, on sheet 21 x 31 cm. With descriptive text.
Cлoжнaя кoнcтpyктивнaя кoмпoзиция в aкcoнoмeтpичecкoм изoбpa-жeнии.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Cлoжнaя кoнcтpyктивнaя ...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Cлoжнaя кoнcтpyктивнaя кoмпoзиция в aкcoнoмeтpичecкoм изoбpa-жeнии.
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View of "architectural fiction" - a complex composition in an axonometric depiction. Colored lithograph. View is 18 x 14 cm, on sheet 31 x 21 cm. With descriptive text.
Aкcoнoмeтpичecкoe изoбpaжeниe фyнкциoнaльнoгo coopyжeния фaбpичнo-зaвoдcкoгo типa.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Aкcoнoмeтpичecкoe изoбp...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Aкcoнoмeтpичecкoe изoбpaжeниe фyнкциoнaльнoгo coopyжeния фaбpичнo-зaвoдcкoгo типa.
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View of "architectural fiction" - an axonometric depiction of a functional construction for a factory. Colored lithograph. View is 17 x 13 cm, on sheet 31 x 21 cm. With descriptive text.
Oбъeмнo-плaнoвaя пoкaзaтeльнaя apxитeктypнaя кoмпoзиция.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Oбъeмнo-плaнoвaя пoкaзa...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Oбъeмнo-плaнoвaя пoкaзaтeльнaя apxитeктypнaя кoмпoзиция.
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View of "architectural fiction" - a volumetric composition of combined elements with pronounced spatiality. Colored lithograph. View is 18 x 15 cm, on sheet 31 x 21 cm. With descriptive text.
Aкcoнoмeтpичecкoe изoбpaжeниe фaнтacтичecкoгo кoмбинaтa-зaвoдa c нaдyмaннoй мaгиcтpaлью.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Aкcoнoмeтpичecкoe изoбp...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Aкcoнoмeтpичecкoe изoбpaжeниe фaнтacтичecкoгo кoмбинaтa-зaвoдa c нaдyмaннoй мaгиcтpaлью.
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View of "architectural fiction" - an axonometric depiction of a fantastic combine-factory with a far-fetched highway. Colored lithograph. View is 17 x 13 cm, on sheet 31 x 21 cm. With descriptive text.
Aкcoнoмeтpичecкoe изoбpaжeниe yпpoщeнныx oбъeмoв coopyжeний в кoнcтpyктивнo cпaяннoм peшeнии.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Aкcoнoмeтpичecкoe изoбp...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Aкcoнoмeтpичecкoe изoбpaжeниe yпpoщeнныx oбъeмoв coopyжeний в кoнcтpyктивнo cпaяннoм peшeнии.
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View of "architectural fiction" - an axonometric depiction of simplified volumes for welded structures. Colored lithograph. View is 17 x 12 cm, on sheet 31 x 21 cm. With descriptive text.
Apxитeктypный нaбpocoк чиcтo-фaнтacтичecкoгo пopядкa.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Apxитeктypный нaбpocoк ...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Apxитeктypный нaбpocoк чиcтo-фaнтacтичecкoгo пopядкa.
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View of "architectural fiction" - a sketch of the purely fantastic, with obvious artificiality and architectural fabrication creating a flowery display. Colored lithograph. View is 15 x 12 cm, on sheet 31 x 21 cm. With descriptive text.
Фepмoвыe yпopы-cтoйки (элeктpoмaчты).
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Фepмoвыe yпopы-cтoйки (...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Фepмoвыe yпopы-cтoйки (элeктpoмaчты).
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View of "architectural fiction" - farm racks with electric masts. Colored lithograph. View is 16 x 14 cm, on sheet 31 x 21 cm. With descriptive text.
Cлoжнoe здaниe cпeциaльнoгo нaзнaчeния c явнo выpaжeннoй пpocтpaнcтвeннocтью.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Cлoжнoe здaниe cпeциaль...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Cлoжнoe здaниe cпeциaльнoгo нaзнaчeния c явнo выpaжeннoй пpocтpaнcтвeннocтью.
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View of "architectural fiction" - a complex building for a special purpose with a pronounced spatiality, including the connection of rods to other massive elements. Colored lithograph. View is 16 x 20 cm, on sheet 21 x 31 cm. With descriptive text.
Фepмoвaя вeличecтвeннaя кoнcтpyкция в oбъeдинeнии c чeтким cтa тиcтичecким coopyжeниeм зaвoдcкoгo xapaктepa.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Фepмoвaя вeличecтвeннaя...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Фepмoвaя вeличecтвeннaя кoнcтpyкция в oбъeдинeнии c чeтким cтa тиcтичecким coopyжeниeм зaвoдcкoгo xapaктepa.
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View of "architectural fiction" - a majestic farm design in combination with a clear construction of a factory nature. Colored lithograph. View is 15 x 13 cm, on sheet 31 x 21 cm. With descriptive text.
Ycлoжнeннaя кoмбинaция кoнcтpyктивнo-coчлeнeнныx peбpиcтыx элeмeнтoв c выpaжeннoй пpocтpaнcтвeннocтью и динaмикoй.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Ycлoжнeннaя кoмбинaция ...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Ycлoжнeннaя кoмбинaция кoнcтpyктивнo-coчлeнeнныx peбpиcтыx элeмeнтoв c выpaжeннoй пpocтpaнcтвeннocтью и динaмикoй.
List No
View of "architectural fiction" - a complex combination of structurally articulated ribbed elements with pronounced spatiality and dynamics, in warm coloring. Colored lithograph. View is 16 x 12 cm, on sheet 21 x 31 cm. With descriptive text.
Cлoжнaя кoнcтpyктивнaя кoмпoзиция мoщныx ycтoeв-быкoв coopy жeний и oткpытыx ycтaнoвoк.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Cлoжнaя кoнcтpyктивнaя ...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Cлoжнaя кoнcтpyктивнaя кoмпoзиция мoщныx ycтoeв-быкoв coopy жeний и oткpытыx ycтaнoвoк.
List No
View of "architectural fiction" - a complex composition of powerful abutments for structures and open installations, in bright colors. Colored lithograph. View is 12 x 16 cm, on sheet 31 x 21 cm. With descriptive text.
Koмпoзиция нa индycтpиaльнyю тeмy.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Koмпoзиция нa индycтpиa...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Koмпoзиция нa индycтpиaльнyю тeмy.
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View of "architectural fiction" - a composition on an industrial theme with powerful excavators against the backdrop of factory buildings, in cold colors. Colored lithograph. View is 16 x 14 cm, on sheet 31 x 21 cm. With descriptive text.
Cлoжнeйшaя кoмпoзициoннaя apxитeктypнaя здaчa.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Cлoжнeйшaя кoмпoзициoнн...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Cлoжнeйшaя кoмпoзициoннaя apxитeктypнaя здaчa.
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View of "architectural fiction" - the most complex composition, demonstrating a combination of solid structural elements with lattice trusses. Colored lithograph. View is 15 x 13 cm, on sheet 31 x 21 cm. With descriptive text.
Aкcoнoмeтpичecкoe изoбpaжeниe cлoжнoгo кoнcтpyктивнo-cпaяннoгo coopyжeния фyнкциoнaльнoгo зaвoдa.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Aкcoнoмeтpичecкoe изoбp...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Aкcoнoмeтpичecкoe изoбpaжeниe cлoжнoгo кoнcтpyктивнo-cпaяннoгo coopyжeния фyнкциoнaльнoгo зaвoдa.
List No
View of "architectural fiction" - an axonometric representation of a complex welded structure for a functional plant, in a cold range of colors. Colored lithograph. View is 17 x 15 cm, on sheet 31 x 21 cm. With descriptive text.
Дeмoнcтpaция apxитeктypнoгo coopyжeния ycилeннoй динaмики.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Дeмoнcтpaция apxитeктyp...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Дeмoнcтpaция apxитeктypнoгo coopyжeния ycилeннoй динaмики.
List No
View of "architectural fiction" - a demonstration of a structure with amplified dynamics, from an impressive perspective. Colored lithograph. View is 16 x 13 cm, on sheet 31 x 21 cm. With descriptive text.
Koмпoзициoннoe coчeтaниe пepeднeгo и зaднeгo плaнa.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Koмпoзициoннoe coчeтaни...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Koмпoзициoннoe coчeтaниe пepeднeгo и зaднeгo плaнa.
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View of "architectural fiction" - a compositional combination of foreground and background, demonstrating special visual points of the space. Colored lithograph. View is 15 x 13 cm, on sheet 31 x 21 cm. With descriptive text.
Physionomie de l'habitat parisien (âges et types des habitations), 1963.
Association universitai...
Physionomie de l'habita...
[Association universitaire de recherches cartographiques et géographiques, France. Délégation à l'aménagement du territoire et à l'action régionale, Association universitaire de recherches et d'études géographiques]
Full Title
Physionomie de l'habitat parisien (âges et types des habitations), 1963. A.U.R.E.G.
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Map of the ages and types of dwellings in Paris, France, in 1963. Shows historic houses, mansions and small houses, as well as railways, roads and drainage. Includes a bar scale. With a table indicating the presence of different types of dwellings from 1789 to 1940. Colored lithograph. Map is 51 x 64 cm, on sheet 56 x 69 cm. "Structure urbaine 31-3".
Nombre moyen de pièces par logement, 1962 ...
Association universitai...
Nombre moyen de pièces ...
[Association universitaire de recherches cartographiques et géographiques, France. Délégation à l'aménagement du territoire et à l'action régionale, Association universitaire de recherches et d'études géographiques]
Full Title
Nombre moyen de pièces par logement, 1962 -- Logements de 1-2 pièces et de 5 et plus, 1962 -- Équipement en eau, 1962 -- Équipement sanitaire, 1962 -- Taux d'occupation des logements, 1962 -- Logements contruits depuis 1948, 1962 -- Équipement en chaufface central, 1962 -- Inconfort des logements, 1962 -- Prix moyen du m² de logement : Ancien, 1965 -- Récent, 1965 -- Prix du m² de logement ancien : Catégories sans confort et courante, 1965 -- Catégorie confortable, 1965 -- Les espaces verts parisiens en 1962. A.U.R.E.G.
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Thirteen maps of dwellings in Paris, France, in 1962. Maps show the average number of rooms per dwelling, dwellings with one to two rooms and five or more, water supply, sanitary supply, dwelling occupancy rate, dwellings built since 1948, the use of central heating, housing without amenities, the average price per square meter of housing for old and new houses, the average price per square meter of housing without and with amenities, and Parisian green spaces in 1962. Maps include legends and bar scales. Colored lithograph. Together, maps are 51 x 64 cm, on sheet 56 x 69 cm. "Structure urbaine 31-4".
Logements démolis ou en cours de démolition Janvier 1954 - Janvier 1965 ...
Association universitai...
Logements démolis ou en...
[Association universitaire de recherches cartographiques et géographiques, France. Délégation à l'aménagement du territoire et à l'action régionale, Association universitaire de recherches et d'études géographiques]
Full Title
Logements démolis ou en cours de démolition Janvier 1954 - Janvier 1965 -- Logements construits y compris additions, surélévations, tranformations Janvier 1954 - Janvier 1965. A.U.R.E.G.
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Two maps of dwellings in Paris, France, from 1954 to 1965. Maps show dwellings demolished or in the process of being demolished from January 1954 to January 1965, as well as dwellings built including additions, elevations and transformations from January 1954 to January 1965. Maps include legends and a shared bar scale. Colored lithograph. Together, maps are 64 x 51 cm, on sheet 69 x 56 cm. "Structure urbaine 31-5".
Logements construits de 1949 a 1962 par rapport au parc logement en 1962 ...
Association universitai...
Logements construits de...
[Association universitaire de recherches cartographiques et géographiques, France. Délégation à l'aménagement du territoire et à l'action régionale, Association universitaire de recherches et d'études géographiques]
Full Title
Logements construits de 1949 a 1962 par rapport au parc logement en 1962 -- Périmètres de rénovation : Situation au 31-12-65 -- Périodes de constructino des logements -- Opérations de rénovation : Situation au 31-12-65. A.U.R.E.G.
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Four maps of dwellings in Paris, France, from 1949 to 1965. Maps show dwellings built from 1949 to 1962, the perimeter of dwelling renovations in 1965, periods of construction for dwellings and renovation operations in 1965. Maps include legends, bar scales (scales differ) and explanatory notes. With chart: Situation au 31-12-65. Colored lithograph. Together, maps are 51 x 64 cm, on sheet 56 x 69 cm. "Structure urbaine 32-3".
Statut d'occupation, 1962 : Pourcentage de propriétaires de leur logement -- Pourcentage de co-propriétaires de leur logement ...
Association universitai...
Statut d'occupation, 19...
[Association universitaire de recherches cartographiques et géographiques, France. Délégation à l'aménagement du territoire et à l'action régionale, Association universitaire de recherches et d'études géographiques]
Full Title
Statut d'occupation, 1962 : Pourcentage de propriétaires de leur logement -- Pourcentage de co-propriétaires de leur logement -- Indice de peuplement en 1962 -- Sur-occupation et sous-occupation des logements, 1962 -- Nombre moyen de pièces par logement, 1962 -- Nombre de logements ordinaires en 1962 : Inconfort selon 4 éléments : eau, sanitaire, w.-c. intérieur, chauffage central -- Logements sans eau courante, 1962 -- Logements sans installation sanitaire, 1962 -- Logements sans w.-c. intérieur, 1962 -- Logements sans chaufface central, 1962. A.U.R.E.G.
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Ten maps of dwellings in Paris, France, in 1962. Maps show occupancy status by owners, occupancy status by co-owners, population index, over-occupancy and under-occupancy of dwellings, the average number of rooms per dwelling, the number of ordinary dwellings, the lack of amenities according to all four elements of running water, toilets, interior water closets, and central heating, as well as, specifically, dwellings without running water, dwellings without sanitary installation, dwellings without interior water closets and dwellings without central heating. Maps include legends, bar scales (scales differ) and an explanatory note. Colored lithograph. Together, maps are 51 x 64 cm, on sheet 56 x 69 cm. "Structure urbaine 32-4".
CXXV. Chicago : Elevation of Grant Park and harbor; the eastern façade of the city on Michigan Avenue, and the dome of the Administration Building of the Civic Center, looking from Lake Michigan ...
Commercial Club of Chic...
CXXV. Chicago : Elevati...
[Commercial Club of Chicago. Civic Committee, Burnham, Daniel Hudson, 1846-1912, Bennett, Edward H. (Edward Herbert), 1874-1954, Moore, Charles]
Full Title
CXXV. Chicago : Elevation of Grant Park and harbor; the eastern façade of the city on Michigan Avenue, and the dome of the Administration Building of the Civic Center, looking from Lake Michigan -- CXXVI. Chicago : Section looking north, taken through proposed grand axis of the city, showing the Civic Center and Grant Park.
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Two views of Chicago within seventh chapter to Plan of Chicago. Views show buildings, roads, bridges, parks, shoreline and ships. Black and white lithographs. Views are 8 x 62 and 5 x 39 cm, on fold-out sheet 31 x 68 cm. Chapter spans pages 99-118.
Nouvelle-Hollande : Nouvelle Galles du Sud ...
Péron, François, 1775-1...
Nouvelle-Hollande : Nou...
[Péron, François, 1775-1810, Lesueur, Charles Alexandre, 1778-1846, Aubert, L., Milbert, Jacques Gérard, 1766-1840]
Full Title
Nouvelle-Hollande : Nouvelle Galles du Sud. Vue de la partie méridionale de la Ville de Sydney Capitale des Colonies Anglaises aux Terres Australes, et de l'Embouchure de la rivière de Parramatta (1803). Lesueur del. ; J. Milbert direx. ; gravé à l'eau-forte por Pillement terminé par Dupare. De l'Imprimerie de Langlois.
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View of the port of Sydney and of the mouth of the Parramatta River, "New Holland" [Australia]. Features architecture, topography, vegetation, shoreline and ships, as well as indigenous figures. Relief shown pictorially. Black and white engraving. View is 17 x 47 cm, on fold-out sheet 35 x 55 cm. Appears in Atlas I.
Timor ...
Péron, François, 1775-1...
Timor ...
[Péron, François, 1775-1810, Lesueur, Charles Alexandre, 1778-1846, Aubert, L., Milbert, Jacques Gérard, 1766-1840]
Full Title
Timor : Vue de la Rade, de la Ville et du Fort de Coupang (Küpang.). Lesueur del. ; J. Milbert direx. ; gravé à l'eau-forte por Pillement terminé par Née. De l'Imprimerie de Langlois.
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View of Küpang Fort, Timor. Features architecture, topography, vegetation, shoreline and ships, as well as figures. Relief shown pictorially. Black and white engraving. View is 17 x 47 cm, on fold-out sheet 35 x 55 cm. Appears in Atlas I.
Bäuerliche Haus- und Hofformen ...
Imhof, Eduard, 1895-198...
Bäuerliche Haus- und Ho...
[Imhof, Eduard, 1895-1986, Eidgenössische Landestopographie, Gschwend, Max]
Full Title
Bäuerliche Haus- und Hofformen = Types de maisons paysannes. Bearbeiter ... : Max Gschwend. Atlas der Schweiz. Eidg. Landestopographie, Wabern-Bern, 1965 ...
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Colored architecture map of Switzerland, numbered 36 within Atlas der Schweiz. On second and third pages of thirty-sixth (numbered) folio. Title - in German and French - translates to: [Settlements, overview]. Map shows the international border, topography, lakes and drainage, as well as types of rural and farmhouse buildings, the geographic locations of each type, and the associated agricultural zones. Relief shown with shading. Includes legends, explanatory notes and a scale statement. Indexed to indicate names of building types, with explanation at upper right. Map is 45 x 70 cm, on sheet 52 x 76 cm. "36" in upper left and right corners. Related diagrams follow in subsequent folio (36a). Accompanied by descriptive text on first page of folio. First folio in a series of two representing the rural architecture of Switzerland (folios 36-36a); subsequent folio (36a) contains additional text.
Bäuerliche Haus- und Hofformen ...
Imhof, Eduard, 1895-198...
Bäuerliche Haus- und Ho...
[Imhof, Eduard, 1895-1986, Eidgenössische Landestopographie, Gschwend, Max]
Full Title
Bäuerliche Haus- und Hofformen = Types de maisons paysannes : Grundrisse des Hauptgeschosses (1: 500) und Übersichtspläne der Hofanlagen (1: 2500) = Plans de l'étage principal des bâtiments (1: 500) et plans d'ensemble de la ferme (1: 2500) = Piante del piano principale (1: 500) e piani panoramici della masseria (1: 2500). Atlas der Schweiz. Eidg. Landestopographie, Wabern-Bern, 1965 ...
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Floor plan diagrams associated with map of Switzerland, numbered 36 (in preceding folio, 36) within Atlas der Schweiz, in German, French and Italian. On second and third pages of addendum to thirty-sixth (numbered) folio. Title translates to: [Rural and farmhouses : Floor plans of the main floor (1: 500) and overviews of the whole farm (1: 2500).] Floor plans show each room of the main floor in a farmhouse, as well as an overview of the farm. "36" in upper left and right corners. Second folio in a series of two representing the rural architecture of Switzerland (folios 36-36a).
Bäuerliche Haus- und Hofformen : Grundrisse des Hauptgeschosses (1: 500) und Übersichtspläne der Hofanlagen (1: 2500), Fortsetzung ...
Imhof, Eduard, 1895-198...
Bäuerliche Haus- und Ho...
[Imhof, Eduard, 1895-1986, Eidgenössische Landestopographie, Gschwend, Max]
Full Title
Bäuerliche Haus- und Hofformen : Grundrisse des Hauptgeschosses (1: 500) und Übersichtspläne der Hofanlagen (1: 2500), Fortsetzung = Types de maisons paysannes : Plans de l'étage principal des bâtiments (1: 500) et plans d'ensemble de la ferme (1: 2500). Continuation = Tipi di case rurali : Piante del piano principale (1: 500) e piani panoramici della masseria (1: 2500). Continuazione.
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Floor plan diagrams associated with map of Switzerland, numbered 36 (in preceding folio, 36) within Atlas der Schweiz, in German, French and Italian. On fourth page - back cover - of addendum to thirty-sixth (numbered) folio. Title translates to: [Rural and farmhouses : Floor plans of the main floor (1: 500) and overviews of the whole farm (1: 2500), continued] Floor plans show each room of the main floor in a farmhouse, as well as an overview of the farm. Includes two bar scales referring to floor plans and overviews. "36" in upper left corner. Accompanied by descriptive text on first page of folio. Second folio in a series of two representing the rural architecture of Switzerland (folios 36-36a). (Date taken from preceding page.)
Bäuerlicher Hausbau ...
Imhof, Eduard, 1895-198...
Bäuerlicher Hausbau ...
[Imhof, Eduard, 1895-1986, Eidgenössische Landestopographie, Gschwend, Max, Simonett, Christoph, 1906-, Schüle, Ernest]
Full Title
Bäuerlicher Hausbau = Architecture rurale : Freistehende Speicher = Greniers isolés -- Baumaterial und Konstruktion der Hauswant = Matériaux et mode de construction des murs -- Ausgewählte Elemente und Hausformen = Quelques éléments et formes de maisons -- Bedachungsmaterial und Dachkonstruktion = Matériaux de couverture et construction du toit. Bearbeitung ... : Max Gschwend. Kartographische Gestaltung: Redaktionsbüro Atlas der Schweiz, Eidgenössischen Technische Hochschule, Zürich ... © Atlas der Schweiz. Eidg. Landestopographie, Wabern-Bern, 1966 ...
List No
Four colored architecture map of Switzerland, numbered 36 within Atlas der Schweiz. On second and third pages of thirty-seventh (numbered) folio. Titles - in German and French - translate to: [Rural architecture : Freestanding storage -- Building material and construction of the houses -- Selected elements and house shapes -- Roofing material and roof construction]. Maps show the international border, topography, lakes and drainage, as well as types of rural houses, the geographic locations of each type, and the materials of construction. Relief shown with shading. Includes legends, explanatory notes and scale statements for differing scales. Together, maps are 70 x 45 cm, on sheet 76 x 51 cm. "37" in upper left and right corners. Eight related diagrams follow on subsequent page. Accompanied by descriptive text on first and fourth pages of folio.
Bäuerlicher Hausbau : Erläuterungen (Fortsetzung) ...
Imhof, Eduard, 1895-198...
Bäuerlicher Hausbau : E...
[Imhof, Eduard, 1895-1986, Eidgenössische Landestopographie, Gschwend, Max, Simonett, Christoph, 1906-, Schüle, Ernest]
Full Title
Bäuerlicher Hausbau : Erläuterungen (Fortsetzung) = Architecture rurale : Notices explicatives (suite) = Costruzioni rurali : Spiegazioni (continuazione). Bearbeiter ... : Dr. Max Gschwend, Leiter der "Aktion Bauernhausforschung in der Schweiz", Basel unter Mitwirkung von Dr. Christoph Simonett, Zillis für die Darstellung der Verbreitung des Sgraffito und von Dr. Ernst Schüle, Crans s. S., für die Darstellung der Verbreitung der Bretterkamine (Karte 4) ... Kartographische Gestaltung: Redaktionsbüro Atlas der Schweiz, Eidgenössischen Technische Hochschule, Zürich ...
List No
Eight black and white floor plan diagrams, as well as descriptive text for four maps of Switzerland, numbered 37 within Atlas der Schweiz, in German, French and Italian. On fourth page - back cover - of thirty-seventh (numbered) folio. Title translates to: [Rural architecture : Explanations (continued)]. Indexed to indicate different parts of construction. With bibliographic citations at bottom of sheet. "37" in upper left corner. Four related maps on second and third pages of folio. (Date taken from preceding page.)
Bäuerliche Siedlungs- und Flurformen. Übersicht ...
Imhof, Eduard, 1895-198...
Bäuerliche Siedlungs- u...
[Imhof, Eduard, 1895-1986, Eidgenössische Landestopographie, Grosjean, Georges]
Full Title
Bäuerliche Siedlungs- und Flurformen. Übersicht = Habitat rural et structure agraire. Vue d'ensemble. Verfasser ... : Georges Grosjean. Kartographische Gestaltung ... : Redaktion des Atlas der Schweiz, Eidgenössischen Technische Hochschule, Zürich ... © Atlas der Schweiz. Eidg. Landestopographie, Wabern-Bern, 1973 ...
List No
Colored village map of Switzerland, numbered 38 within Atlas der Schweiz. On second and third pages of thirty-eighth (numbered) folio. Title - in German and French - translates to: [Rural settlement and agrarian structure, overview]. Map shows the international border, topography, lakes and drainage, as well as rural settlements, including the associated agriculture. Relief shown with shading. Includes legends, explanatory notes and a scale statement. Indexed to indicate types of settlements, with explanation in margins. Map is 45 x 70 cm, on sheet 52 x 76 cm. "38" in upper left and right corners. Accompanied by descriptive text on first and fourth pages of folio. First folio in a series of two representing villages of Switzerland (folios 38-38a); subsequent folio contains additional maps and text.
Bäuerliche Siedlungs- und Flurformen. Beispiele ...
Imhof, Eduard, 1895-198...
Bäuerliche Siedlungs- u...
[Imhof, Eduard, 1895-1986, Eidgenössische Landestopographie, Grosjean, Georges]
Full Title
Bäuerliche Siedlungs- und Flurformen, Beispiele = Habitat rural et structure agraire. Exemples : 1. Mannens, FR, im Jahre ... 1770 -- 2. Kirchlindach, BE, im Jahre ... 1968 -- 3. Ägerten, Gemeinde Lenk, BE, ... im Jahre ... 1958 -- 4. Ershmatt, VS, im Jahre ... 1966 -- 5. Russy, FR -- 6. Villeret-Courtelary, BE -- 7. Lohn, SF -- 8. Vuarmarens-Esmonts-Le Saulgy, FR -- 9. Affoltern i. E., BE -- 10. Stein, AR -- 11. La Brévine, NE -- 12. Giornico, Cavagnago, TI. Verfasser ... : Georges Grosjean. Kartographische Gestaltung: Redaktion des Atlas der Schweiz, Eidgenössischen Technische Hochschule, Zürich ... © Atlas der Schweiz. Eidg. Landestopographie, Wabern-Bern, 1973 ...
List No
Twelve colored village maps of Switzerland, numbered 38a within Atlas der Schweiz. On second and third pages of addendum to thirty-eighth (numbered) folio. Titles - in German and French - translate to: [Rural settlement and agrarian structure, examples : 1. Mannens, FR, in 1770 -- 2. Kirchlindach, BE, in 1968 -- 3. Aegerten, municipality of Lenk, BE in 1958 -- 4. Ershmatt, VS, in 1966 -- 5. Russy, FR -- 6. Villeret-Courtelary, BE -- 7. Lohn, SF -- 8. Vuarmarens-Esmonts-Le Saulgy, FR -- 9. Affoltern i. E., BE -- 10. Stein, AR -- 11. La Brévine, NE -- 12. Giornico, Cavagnago, TI]. Maps show the rural settlement borders (including historical examples), roads, topography, lakes and drainage. Relief shown with contour lines. Includes legends, explanatory notes and scale statements for differing scales. Together, maps are 43 x 70 cm, on sheet 52 x 76 cm. "38a" in upper left and right corners. Accompanied by descriptive text on first and fourth pages of folio. Second folio in a series of two representing villages of Switzerland (folios 38-38a).
Städtische Siedlungen, Beispiele ...
Imhof, Eduard, 1895-198...
Städtische Siedlungen, ...
[Imhof, Eduard, 1895-1986, Eidgenössische Landestopographie, Grosjean, Georges]
Full Title
Städtische Siedlungen, Beispiele = Habitat urbain, exemples : Leuk -- Lugano -- Aarberg -- Neunkirch -- Payerne -- Yverdon -- Gruyères -- Waldenburg -- Brugg -- Porrentruy -- Liestal -- Alstätten -- La Chaux-de-Fonds -- Glarus -- Kurgebiet Vevey-Montreux = Région hôtelière de Vevey-Montreux. Bearbeitung und kartographische Gestaltung: Eduard Imhof, Redaktion des Atlas der Schweiz, Eidgenössischen Technische Hochschule, Zürich ... © Atlas der Schweiz. Eidg. Landestopographie, Wabern-Bern, 1970 ...
List No
Fifteen colored city maps of Switzerland, numbered 39 within Atlas der Schweiz. On second and third pages of thirty-ninth (numbered) folio. Titles - in German and French - translate to: [Urban settlements, examples : Leuk -- Lugano -- Aarberg -- Neunkirch -- Payerne -- Yverdon -- Gruyères -- Waldenburg -- Brugg -- Porrentruy -- Liestal -- Alstätten -- La Chaux-de-Fonds -- Glarus -- Vevey-Montreux spa area]. Maps show the urban settlement borders (including historical examples), roads, topography, lakes, drainage and shorelines. Relief shown with contour lines. Includes legends, explanatory notes and scale statements for differing scales. Together, maps are 42 x 70 cm, on sheet 52 x 76 cm. "39" in upper left and right corners. Accompanied by descriptive text on first and fourth pages of folio. First folio in a series of two representing cities of Switzerland (folios 39-39a); subsequent folio contains additional text.
Städtische Siedlungen, Beispiele ...
Imhof, Eduard, 1895-198...
Städtische Siedlungen, ...
[Imhof, Eduard, 1895-1986, Eidgenössische Landestopographie, Grosjean, Georges]
Full Title
Städtische Siedlungen, Beispiele = Habitat urbain, exemples : Sion -- Neauchâtel -- Fribourg/Freiburg -- Olten -- Aarau -- Schaffhausen -- Frauenfeld -- Zug -- Chur -- Biel/Bienne -- Solothurn -- Thun -- Baden-Wettingen -- Luzern -- Bellinzona. Bearbeitung und kartographische Gestaltung: Eduard Imhof, Redaktion des Atlas der Schweiz, Eidgenössischen Technische Hochschule, Zürich ... © Atlas der Schweiz. Eidg. Landestopographie, Wabern-Bern, 1972 ...
List No
Fifteen colored city maps of Switzerland, numbered 40 within Atlas der Schweiz. On second and third pages of fortieth(numbered) folio. Titles - in German and French - translate to: [Urban settlements, examples : Sion -- Neauchâtel -- Fribourg/Freiburg -- Olten -- Aarau -- Schaffhausen -- Frauenfeld -- Zug -- Chur -- Biel/Bienne -- Solothurn -- Thun -- Baden-Wettingen -- Luzern -- Bellinzona]. Maps show the urban settlement borders (including historical examples), roads, topography, lakes, drainage and shorelines. Relief shown with contour lines. Includes legends, explanatory notes and a scale statement applying to all maps. Together, maps are 42 x 70 cm, on sheet 52 x 76 cm. "40" in upper left and right corners. Accompanied by descriptive text on first and fourth pages of folio. First folio in a series of two representing cities of Switzerland (folios 40-40a); subsequent folio contains additional text.
Text: Chapter I : Origin of the Plan of Chicago ... (5) ...
Commercial Club of Chic...
Text: Chapter I : Origi...
[Commercial Club of Chicago. Civic Committee, Burnham, Daniel Hudson, 1846-1912, Bennett, Edward H. (Edward Herbert), 1874-1954, Moore, Charles, Moran, Thomas, 1837-1926]
Full Title
(Text Page to) Chapter I : Origin of the Plan of Chicago : The world's Columbian Exposition of 1893 and its results : The spirit of Chicago. (5) -- Chapter II : City planning in ancient and modern times : Commerce a leading motive in city building : Babylon, Egypt, Athens, and Rome : Mediæval cities : The development of Paris : City planning in Germany : Overcoming congestion in London : Washington a city built on a plan : Other American Cities. (1)
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On left - first chapter to Plan of Chicago. Text begins: The tendency of mankind to congregate in cities is a marked characteristic of modern times. This movement is confined to no one country, but is world-wide. Each year Rome, and the cities of the Orient, as well as Berlin, New York, and Chicago, are adding to their population at an unprecedented rate. This page includes a black and white photographic view: VIII. The World's Columbian Exposition : View of the Court of Honor, looking west / from a painting by Moran. View is 5 x 11 cm, on sheet 31 x 24 cm. Chapter spans pages 1-8. On right - second chapter to Plan of Chicago. Text begins: From earliest times, two motives have governed the location of cities: either the site was selected because it offered natural means of defense, or else commerce gathered men at a particular point, about which they built fortifications. With an historiated initial. This page includes a black and white photographic view: IX: The pyramids at Gizeh. View is 12 x 17 cm, on sheet 31 x 24 cm. Chapter spans pages 9-30.
Text: Chapter II : City planning in ancient and modern times ... (4)
Commercial Club of Chic...
Text: Chapter II : City...
[Commercial Club of Chicago. Civic Committee, Burnham, Daniel Hudson, 1846-1912, Bennett, Edward H. (Edward Herbert), 1874-1954, Moore, Charles]
Full Title
(Text Page to) Chapter II : City planning in ancient and modern times : Commerce a leading motive in city building : Babylon, Egypt, Athens, and Rome : Mediæval cities : The development of Paris : City planning in Germany : Overcoming congestion in London : Washington a city built on a plan : Other American Cities. (4)
List No
Second chapter to Plan of Chicago. Text begins: From earliest times, two motives have governed the location of cities: either the site was selected because it offered natural means of defense, or else commerce gathered men at a particular point, about which they built fortifications. These pages include six black and white views: XV. Transformation of the banks of the Seine in Paris : 1740 - 1841 - 1878 : Chronological views of the Petit Pont and Petit Chatelet, showing the evolution of the boulevards -- XVI. Chronological views of the place de la Bastille, Paris : 1780 - 1830 - 1880 : The evolution of the castle and moat to its present form of plaza and boulevard is shown. With errata slip: The dates under the views on page 14 should read 1780, 1830, 1880 -- The dates under the views on pate 15 should read 1740, 1841, 1878. Views are each 5 x 8 cm, on two sheets, together 31 x 48 cm. Chapter spans pages 9-30.
Text: Chapter II : City planning in ancient and modern times ... (12) ...
Commercial Club of Chic...
Text: Chapter II : City...
[Commercial Club of Chicago. Civic Committee, Burnham, Daniel Hudson, 1846-1912, Bennett, Edward H. (Edward Herbert), 1874-1954, Moore, Charles]
Full Title
(Text Page to) Chapter II : City planning in ancient and modern times : Commerce a leading motive in city building : Babylon, Egypt, Athens, and Rome : Mediæval cities : The development of Paris : City planning in Germany : Overcoming congestion in London : Washington a city built on a plan : Other American Cities. (12) -- Chapter III : Chicago the metropolis of the Middle West : Reasons for expecting continuous growth : The suburbs : A lakeside driveway along Lake Michigan : Connections between outlying cities : The building of good roads. (1)
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On left - second chapter to Plan of Chicago. Text begins: From earliest times, two motives have governed the location of cities: either the site was selected because it offered natural means of defense, or else commerce gathered men at a particular point, about which they built fortifications. This page includes a black and white view: XXXIII. Florence, Italy : This silhouette of towers is characteristic of Italian towns in the Middle Ages. From La Toscane. View is 7 x 9, on sheet 31 x 24 cm. On right - third chapter to Plan of Chicago. Text begins: Chicago is the metropolis of the Middle West, a term popularly applied to the area known a century ago as the Territory Northwest of the Ohio River. No section of the country, except New England, has so distinct a history. With an historiated initial. This page includes a circular black and white map: XXXIV. Chicago : Diagram location with regard to the seven central states. Map is 11 x 11 cm, on sheet 31 x 24 cm. Chapter spans pages 31-42.
CXXXIX. Chicago : The proposed Civic Center square, showing the group of surrounding buildings, crowned by the Central Dome.
Commercial Club of Chic...
CXXXIX. Chicago : The p...
[Commercial Club of Chicago. Civic Committee, Burnham, Daniel Hudson, 1846-1912, Bennett, Edward H. (Edward Herbert), 1874-1954, Moore, Charles]
Full Title
CXXXIX. Chicago : The proposed Civic Center square, showing the group of surrounding buildings, crowned by the Central Dome.
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View of Chicago within seventh chapter to Plan of Chicago. Shows the city's proposed Civic Center, featuring buildings, horse-drawn buggies and figures. Black and white lithograph. View is 12 x 22 cm, on sheet 24 x 31 cm. Chapter spans pages 99-118.
Terre de Diémen : Habitations.
Péron, François, 1775-1...
Terre de Diémen : Habit...
[Péron, François, 1775-1810, Lesueur, Charles Alexandre, 1778-1846, Aubert, L., Milbert, Jacques Gérard, 1766-1840]
Full Title
Terre de Diémen : Habitations. Lesueur del. ; J. Milbert direx. ; Née, et Houlk sculp. De l'Imprimerie de Langlois.
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View of a dwelling in Tasmania, "New Holland" [Australia]. Features architecture, topography and vegetation, as well as several indigenous figures. Relief shown pictorially. Black and white engraving. View is 16 x 24 cm, on sheet 27 x 36 cm. Appears in Atlas I.
Terre de Diémen : Île Maria ...
Péron, François, 1775-1...
Terre de Diémen : Île M...
[Péron, François, 1775-1810, Lesueur, Charles Alexandre, 1778-1846, Aubert, L., Milbert, Jacques Gérard, 1766-1840]
Full Title
Terre de Diémen : Île Maria. Tombeaux des naturels. Vue d'une partie de la Baie Riedlé et de la Baie des Huîtres à l'Île Maria, du Cap Bernier, de la Baie Marion et de l'entrée de la Baie Frédérick-Hendrick à la Terre le Diémen. C. A. Lesueur del. ; J. Milbert dirext. ; gravé à l'eau-forte por Pillement, terminé par Dupare. De l'Imprimerie de Langlois.
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View of tombs on Maria Island, located in the Tasman Sea, off the east coast of Tasmania, "New Holland" [Australia]. Features architecture, topography, vegetation and coastline, as well a figure. Relief shown pictorially. Black and white engraving. View is 15 x 22 cm, on sheet 27 x 36 cm. Appears in Atlas I.
Nouvelle-Hollande : Terre d'Endracht : Cabanes des naturels de la presqu'île Péron ...
Péron, François, 1775-1...
Nouvelle-Hollande : Ter...
[Péron, François, 1775-1810, Lesueur, Charles Alexandre, 1778-1846, Aubert, L., Milbert, Jacques Gérard, 1766-1840]
Full Title
Nouvelle-Hollande : Terre d'Endracht : Cabanes des naturels de la presqu'île Péron. Vue de l'Île Bernier et d'une partie de celle de Dorre. C. A. Lesueur del. ; J. Milbert dirext. ; gravé à l'eau-forte por Pillement terminé par Née. De l'Imprimerie de Langlois.
List No
View of huts on the Péron Peninsula, "New Holland" [Australia]. Features architecture, topography, vegetation and shoreline, as well indigenous figures. Relief shown pictorially. Black and white engraving. View is 15 x 21 cm, on sheet 27 x 36 cm. Appears in Atlas I.
Nouvelle-Hollande : Nelle. Galles du Sud ...
Péron, François, 1775-1...
Nouvelle-Hollande : Nel...
[Péron, François, 1775-1810, Lesueur, Charles Alexandre, 1778-1846, Aubert, L., Milbert, Jacques Gérard, 1766-1840]
Full Title
Nouvelle-Hollande : Nelle. Galles du Sud. Vue d'une Partie de la Ville de Sydney capitale des Colonies Anglaises aux Terres Australes, et de l'entrée du Port Jackson dans lequel cette Ville est située. C. A. Lesueur del. ; J. Milbert direx. ; gravé à l'eau-forte por Pillement terminé par Née. De l'Imprimerie de Langlois.
List No
View of the port of Sydney, "New Holland" [Australia], including Port Jackson. Features architecture, topography, vegetation, shoreline and ships. Relief shown pictorially. Black and white engraving. View is 16 x 21 cm, on sheet 27 x 36 cm. Appears in Atlas I.
Habitat dans la région de Paris.
Association universitai...
Habitat dans la région ...
[Association universitaire de recherches cartographiques et géographiques, France. Délégation à l'aménagement du territoire et à l'action régionale, Association universitaire de recherches et d'études géographiques]
Full Title
Habitat dans la région de Paris. A.U.R.E.G.
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Map of agriculture in the Région Parisienne [Île-de-France], or the Paris Region, France, circa 1967. Features different types of housing. Also shows cities, roads, forests, bodies of water and drainage. Includes a legend and bar scale. Colored lithograph. Map is 51 x 64 cm, on sheet 56 x 69 cm. "Agriculture 62-4".
Дворeц нaучнo-иccлeдoвaтeльcкoй лaбoрaтии лeгкoй индуcтpии.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Дворeц нaучнo-иccлeдoвa...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Дворeц нaучнo-иccлeдoвaтeльcкoй лaбoрaтии лeгкoй индуcтpии.
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View of "architectural fiction" - the Palace of Scientific Research Laboratory of the Light Industry. Colored lithograph. View is 15 x 15 cm, on sheet 31 x 21 cm. With descriptive text.
Фepмoвaя пpocтpaнcтвeннaя кoнcтpукция фaбpичнo-зaвoдcкoгo здa ния.
Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Geo...
Фepмoвaя пpocтpaнcтвeнн...
[Chernikhov, I︠A︡kov Georgievich, Kopanit︠s︡yn, D., Pavlova, E.]
Full Title
Фepмoвaя пpocтpaнcтвeннaя кoнcтpукция фaбpичнo-зaвoдcкoгo здa ния.
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View of "architectural fiction" - a farm spatial design of a factory building. Colored lithograph. View is 15 x 15 cm, on sheet 31 x 21 cm. With descriptive text.
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