| Katsukawa Shunsho The actor Iwai Hanshiro IV in the 'Sangai-gasa' (Triple-Umbrella) dance interlude of the joruri 'Yukashii wa Miyako no Naredoko' (Yearning After One's Own Bedchamber in the Capital) Performed at the Nakamura Theater from the first day of the eleventh month, 1771
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Creator Name: Katsukawa, Shunsho
Creator Nationality: Asian; Far East Asian; Japanese
Creator Role: Artist
Creator Dates/Places: Japanese; 1726-1792 Asia,East Asia,Japan
Creator Active Place: Asia,East Asia,Japan
Creator Name-CRT: Katsukawa Shunsho
Title: The actor Iwai Hanshiro IV in the 'Sangai-gasa' (Triple-Umbrella) dance interlude of the joruri 'Yukashii wa Miyako no Naredoko' (Yearning After One's Own Bedchamber in the Capital)
Title Type: preferred
View: Full View
Creation Start Date: 1771
Creation End Date: 1771
Creation Date: Performed at the Nakamura Theater from the first day of the eleventh month, 1771
Creation Place: Asia,East Asia,Japan
Object Type: Prints
Classification Term: Woodblock
Materials and Techniques: Woodblock print.
Dimensions: Hosoban; 30.8 x 14.5 cm
Inscriptions: SIGNATURE: Shunsh ga
AMICA Contributor: The Art Institute of Chicago
Owner Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA
ID Number: 1925.2427
Credit Line: The Art Institute of Chicago, The Clarence Buckingham Collection
Rights: http://www.artic.edu/aic/rights/main.rights.html
Context: Hanshiro IV is shown in animated dance, one knee lifted high and long tasselled sleeves and skirts flying. Across his shoulder he rests a long pole topped with three umbrellas (sangai-gasa) hung with flounces and bells. His kimono with long hanging sleeves (furisode) is decorated with a pattern of fans around the skirts and zigzags edging the sleeves.The Triple-Umbrella dance is thought to have been a dance interlude in the joruri scene 'Yukashii wa Miyako no Naredoko,' composed by the master Tokiwazu school chanter Tokiwazu Mojitayu?. Its story was based on the famous love affair between the young courtier-poet Ariwara no Yukihira (818-893) and the lowly sisters Matsukaze and Murasame, who carried sea brine to the local salt works in the neighborhood ofYukihira's exile at Suma. This tale was dramatized in the No play Matsukaze and subsequently modified into dramatic narratives (joruri) on the one hand and Kabuki dances such as 'Shiokumi' (The Salt Maidens) on the other. In the 1771 performance HanshiroIV as Murasame was joined by Nakamura Nakazo I as Matsukaze and Ichikawa Komazo II as Yukihira, and the large number of extant hosobanprints by Shunsho and Buncho - six have been identified so far - that relate to this one scene attest to its popularity at the time. One of these, by Shunsho, shows Hanshiro IV similarly posed but wearing a different kimono and dancing with two tasselled spears (yari) in place of the triple umbrella. The 'Triple-Umbrella' dance was a standard part of the 'Salt Maidens' sequence but clearly the 'Spear Dance' ('Yari Odori') was also incorporated on this occasion.The Chicago impression still retains a largely unfaded purple pigment on the furisode, and a delicate printed gray background.
AMICA ID: AIC_.1925.2427
AMICA Library Year: 1998
Media Metadata Rights:
Copyright The Art Institute of Chicago, 1998
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