Browse All : Military Atlas of Georgia and Tennessee from U.S. Civil War

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Michler, Nathaniel; United States. War D...
[Michler, Nathaniel, United States. War Department]
Full Title
10. New map of Tennessee by Capt. Michler, Topl. Engineers, U.S.A. (with) 9. Topographical sketch of the battle-field of Stone's River near Murphreesborough, Tenn., December 31st 1862 to January 3d. 1863. Maj. Gen. W.S. Rosecrans ... Forces of the United States. General Braxton Bragg commanding enemy's forces. (with) Position of 1st Division 3rd Corps at noon December 13, 1862. Drawn by direction of Brig. Gen. D.B. Birney ... (by) J.C. Briscoe ... (with) Position held by the 1st Division 3rd Corps after having repulsed the enemy December 13, 1862. Drawn by direction of Brig. Gen. D.B. Birney ... (by) J.C. Briscoe ... (with) Map of Huntersville line commanded by Col. Wm. L. Jackson. (with) Sketch showing the positions of Liddell's division consisting of Walthall's and Govan's brigades in the Battle of Chickamauga, September 18, 19 and 20, 1863. Accompanying report of Brig. Gen. St. John R. Liddell, C.S. Army. Julius Bien & Co., Lith., N.Y. (1891-1895)
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Col. map with 5 ancillary maps. Relief shown by hachures.
Anstey, E. G.; Confederate States of Ame...
Chickamauga campaign, Knoxville.
[Anstey, E. G., Confederate States of America. Army, Rockwell, Cleveland, United States. War Department]
Full Title
Map no. 1. The Chickamauga Campaign, August 16-September 22, 1863. E.G. Anstey, draughtsman. Accompanying report of Gen. Braxton Bragg, C.S. Army. Topographical map of the approaches and defenses of Knoxville, E. Tennessee, showing the positions occupied by the United States and Confederate forces during the siege. Surveyed by direction of Capt. O.M. Poe ... during Dec., Jan. and Feb., 1863-4 by Cleveland Rockwell, Sub. Asst., U.S. Coast Survey, R.H. Talcott, aide. (with Dallas Line, Georgia). Accompanying letter of Maj. Gen. Jas. B. McPherson ... (with Dallas Line, Georgia). Original marked "McPherson May 27." From original in possession of Gen. W.T. Sherman. (with) Sketch of roads from Gen. McCook's hdqrs. near junction of Acworth and Dallas and Marietta roads to Acworth and Big Shanty and R.R. ... 1864. From original in possession of Gen. W.T. Sherman. Julius Bien & Co., Lith., N.Y. (1891-1895)
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Two col. maps with 3 ancillary maps. Relief shown by hachures and form lines.
Howard, Oliver O.; Mergell, C. S.; Unite...
[Howard, Oliver O., Mergell, C. S., United States. War Department]
Full Title
Map of the battle-field of Chattanooga. Prepared to accompany report of Maj. Gen. U.S. Grant. By direction of Brig. Gen. W.F. Smith ... 1864. Compiled and drawn by C.S. Mergell. Position of troops, etc. drawn by E. Hergesheimer. Map accompanying report of Maj. Gen. O.O. Howard. (with) McPherson's crossing at Roswell. From original in possession of Gen. W.T. Sherman. (with Marietta Region by) C.W. Skinner. Accompanying letter of Brig. Gen. Garrard. (with Chattahoochee River) marked "Schofield" in Gen. Sherman's handwriting. Julius Bien & Co., Lith., N.Y. (1891-1895)
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Two col. maps with 3 ancillary maps. Relief shown by contours and hachures.
United States. War Department
Georgia, Atlanta Campaign 1st epoch.
United States. War Department
Full Title
Map illustrating the operations of the Army under command of General W.T. Sherman in Georgia From May the 5th to September the 4th 1864. Compiled and drawn under the direction of Bvt. Brig. Gen. O.M. Poe ... by J. v. Glumer. Map illustrating the first epoch of the Atlanta Campaign. Embracing the region from the Tennessee River to the Oostanaula River ... Commanding United States forces Major-General W.T. Sherman, commanding rebel forces Lieut. General J.E. Johnston. Compiled by Edward Ruger. Map showing the roads followed by the Army of the Tennessee in its march from Chattanooga, Tenn. to Atlanta, Ga. ... Made under the direction of Capt. C.B. Reese ... Drawn and compiled by Capt. I. Helmle ... Accompanying report of Maj. Gen. O.O. Howard ... Julius Bien & Co., Lith., N.Y. (1891-1895)
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Three col. maps. Relief shown by hachures.
Ruger, Edward; United States. War Depart...
Atlanta Campaign, 2nd epoch.
[Ruger, Edward, United States. War Department]
Full Title
Map illustrating the second epoch of the Atlanta Campaign. Embracing the region from Resaca to the Etowah River ... Commanding United States forces, Major-General W.T. Sherman. Commanding rebel forces, Lieut. General J.E. Johnston. Compiled by Edward Ruger. (with) Map showing the march of the 15th Army Corps, Maj. Gen. John A. Logan, com'd'g., through Northern Georgia in the campaign of 1864. (with) Plate 1. Position of the 15th Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee, before and during the siege of Resaca, Ga., May 10th till May 16th 1864. (with) Plate II. Position of the 15th Army Corps from the 27th to the 31st of May, 1864. (with) Plate III. Position of the 15th Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee near New Hope Church, Ga., on June the 4th, 1864. (with) Plate IV. Showing the different positions of 15th Army Corps, Maj. Gen. John A. Logan, commanding, during the siege of Kenesaw Mountain, Ga. from June 10th till July 3d 1864. Julius Bien & Co., Lith., N.Y. (1891-1895)
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Col. map with 5 ancillary maps. Relief shown by hachures.
United States. War Department
Line of march, 16th A.C.
United States. War Department
Full Title
Line of march of the Left Wing, 16th Army Corps from May 5th to Sept. 8th, 1864. (with) Position of the Left Wing, 16th A.C. ... July 11, 1864. (with) Map showing the position of Left Wing, 16th Army Corps during the engagement near Atlanta July 22, 1864. (with Atlanta Campaign). (with) Diagram of the battle-field occupied by Gen. Blair, 17th Army Corps ... July 5th to 11th 1864 on the Chattahoochee. (with) Position of Left Wing ... in front of Kenesaw Mountain. (with) Map showing position of the Confederate armies of Mississippi and Tennessee under command of Gen. J.E. Johnston May 19th 1864. (with) Position of 4th Div., 17th Army Corps, July 22d, 1864. (with) Diagram of the general situation during the siege of Atlanta. (with Marietta Ga. June 10-July 3, 1864). (with) Diagram showing the advance of the 3d. Brig., 4th Div., 17th Corps on the Sandtown Road to Widow Mitchell's farm and from there east to the Nickajack. July 3, 4 and 5th 1864. (with) Diagram showing the flank movement of the 17th Army Corps from Turner's Ferry, July 16, 1864, by way of Marietta and Roswell to south of Decatur and east of Atlanta to the extreme left of the Army. (with Marietta, Ga. June 10-July 3, 1864). (with Marietta Ga. June 10-July 3, 1864). Julius Bien & Co., Lith., N.Y. (1891-1895)
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Col. map with 13 ancillary maps. Relief shown by hachures. Maps accompany documents from or in possession of G.M. Dodge, J.S. Fullerton, W.T. Sherman and J.M. Schofield
Peseux, M.; United States. War Departmen...
Battle-fields Nashville, Tenn.
[Peseux, M., United States. War Department]
Full Title
Battle-fields in front of Nashville, Tenn., where the United States forces commanded by Major-General Geo. H. Thomas, defeated and routed the rebel army under General Hood, December 15th and 16th 1864. Surveyed and drawn under the direction of Gen. Tower by M. Peseux, C.S. Mergell, auth. (with) Battle-field in front of Franklin, Tenn., where the United States forces ... under the command of Maj. Gen. J.M. Schofield, severely repulsed the rebel army commanded by Lieutenant-General Hood, November 30th 1864. (with) Map of the battle-field of Waynesborough, Va., fought March 2d. 1865. Union cavalry commanded by Maj. Gen. P.H. Sheridan ... Confederate forces commanded by Lieut. Gen. J.A. Early. Surveyed and drawn under the direction of ... G.L. Gillespie ... by H.C. Koch. (with) Sketch of West Point, Ga. and line of defenses. Under supervision of Lieut. Heywood ... (with) Sketch of Saunders' Ford, Ala., on Mulberry Fork of the Black Warrior River. Surveyed and drawn by H.S. Heywood ... (with) Sketch of the camp of the Cav. Corps, M.D.M., extending from Eastport, Miss. to Gravelly Springs, Ala. from field notes of H.S. Heywood ... (with) Battle-field of Waynesborough, Va., 2d March 1865. Prepared by ... G.L. Gillespie ... 1873. Surveyed by John B. McMaster ... drawn by George B. Strauch. Julius Bien & Co., Lith., N.Y. (1891-1895)
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Col. map with 6 ancillary maps. Relief shown by hachures. Accompany reports by Geo. H. Thomas, P.H. Sheridan, and J.H. Wilson.
Ullfers, Herman. A.; United States. War ...
Siege of Atlanta.
[Ullfers, Herman. A., United States. War Department]
Full Title
Map illustrating the siege of Atlanta, Ga. by the United States forces under command of Maj. Gen. W.T. Sherman from the passage of Peach Tree Creek, July 19th 1864 to the commencement of the movement upon the enemy's lines of communication south of Atlanta August 26th 1864. Surveyed and compiled under the direction of Capt. O.M. Poe ... Drawn in June, July, August and Sept., 1865 by Capt. H.A Ulffers, A.A.G. (with) Map illustrating the operations of the Army under com'd. of Maj. Gen. W.T. Sherman in Georgia, from May 5th 1864 to Sept. 4th 1864, compiled under the direction of Capt. O.M. Poe, Chief Engr. from maps and data furnished by the engrs. of the armies of the Cumberland, Tennessee and Ohio and drawn by Lt. A.F. Brooks. Julius Bien & Co., Lith., N.Y. (1891-1895)
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Col. map with ancillary map. Includes drawings of rebel and U.S. fortifications. Relief shown by hachures.
Boyd, C. H.; United States. War Departme...
Chickamauga, Ga.
[Boyd, C. H., United States. War Department]
Full Title
Battle-field of Chickamauga, Ga. Surveyed by command of Maj. Gen. G.H. Thomas, commanding Dept. of the Cumberland, by Capt. C.H. Boyd, Sub-Asst., U.S.C.S., April and May, 1864. Assisted in levelling by Lieut. Kuntze and Sergeant Wilson, Top. Engineers, 2d Division, 14th Army Corps. (with) Map showing the army movements around Chattanooga, Tenn. made to accompany the report of Maj. Gen. U.S. Grant by direction of Brig. Gen. Wm. F. Smith ... Jan. 4th 1864, compiled and drawn by H. Riemann ... (with) Map of the battle-field of Cold Harbor, Va. From surveys under the direction of ... N. Michler ... and ... P.S. Michie ..., by command of ... A.A. Humphreys ... 1867. Surveyed and drawn by Maj. J.E. Weyss, assisted by F. Theilkuhl, J. Strasser and G. Thompson. Julius Bien & Co., Lith., N.Y. (1891-1895)
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Col. map with 2 ancillary maps. Relief shown by contours.
Poe, Orlando M.; Ullfers, Herman. A.; Un...
Atlanta-Savannah march.
[Poe, Orlando M., Ullfers, Herman. A., United States. War Department]
Full Title
Map illustrating the march of the army under command of Maj. Gen. W.T. Sherman from Atlanta, Georgia to Savannah, Georgia. November 15th to December 21st 1864. Prepared under the direction of Capt. O.M. Poe, Corps of Engrs., Chief Engineer, Mill. Div. Miss. Drawn by Capt. H.A. Ulffers, A.A.G. Vols. (with) Campaign maps showing position of the 20th Army Corps on the march from Chattanooga, Tenn. to Atlanta, Ga. With dates and Union and rebel defenses. From surveys by Capt. Samuel A. Bennett ... (with) Map showing battle-field of Peach Tree Creek, Ga. Fought July 20, 1864. (with) Map of that portion of the battle-field of Chickamauga where Gen. Thomas opened the battle. Sept. 19, 1863. Also map of country from Mission Mills to Alexander's Bridge by D. McCook. Julius Bien & Co., Lith., N.Y. (1891-1895)
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Col. map with 20 ancillary maps.
Hotchkiss, Jed.; United States. War Depa...
Defenses Chattanooga.
[Hotchkiss, Jed., United States. War Department]
Full Title
Defenses of Chattanooga, Tenn. (with) Battle of Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862 by Jed. Hotchkiss ... Sketch showing positions of Second Corps, A.N.Va., August 26th to September 2, 1862 embracing engagements at Bristoe Station, Manassas Junction, Groveton or Second Bull Run and Ox Hill or Chantilly, Va. Prepared to accompany report of Lieut. Gen. Thos. J. Jackson by Jed. Hotchkiss ... Jan. 1863. Map of the battle-field of Chickamauga, Ga. and vicinity, fought September 18th, 19th and 20th 1863. Charles Foster, draughtsman. (with) Sketch showing position of Confederate and Federal armies at Franklin, Va., May 9th to 11th 1862 by Jed. Hotchkiss ... (with) Defenses of Cleveland, Tenn. (with) Defenses of Knoxville, Tenn. (with) Defenses of Loudon, Tenn. (with) Defenses of Charleston, Tenn. (with) Defenses of Chattanooga, Tenn. Plan of Fort Phelps. Reduced from a plan furnished by Col. W.E. Merrill ... April 18th 1865. (with) Defenses of Chattanooga, Tenn. Fort Creighton. (with) Defenses of Chattanooga, Tenn. Battery Bushnell. (with) Defenses of Chattanooga, Tenn. Lunette O'Meara. (with) Defenses of Chattanooga, Tenn. Redoubt Putnam. (with) Defenses of Chattanooga, Tenn. Fort Jones. Julius Bien & Co., Lith., N.Y. (1891-1895)
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Three col. maps with 12 ancillary maps and plans (5 col.). Relief shown by hachures or form lines. Some maps and plans accompany inspection report of Brig. Gen. Z.B. Tower.
United States. War Department
Clarksville, Tenn., Dalton, Ga.
United States. War Department
Full Title
Topographical map of Clarksville, Tenn. Copied from the original plan prepared under the direction of Col. W.E. Merrill ... by Maj. James R. Willett ... From a survey by John H. Willett, Dec., 1864 ... 1865. Traced by W. Claypoole. Dalton, Ga. Copied from the original plan by Maj. Willett from a survey by R.M. Radford ... (with) Topographical map of Johnsonville, Tenn ... 1865. (with) Franklin, Tenn .... survey by Charles Peseux ... (with) Topographical map of Columbia, Tenn and vicinity ... (with) Gallatin, Tenn ... (with) Decatur, Ala. ... (with) Topographical sketch of Athens, Ala ... (with) Huntsville, Ala ... Surveyed by Jno. Willett and Chas. Peseux ... Julius Bien & Co., Lith., N.Y. (1891-1895)
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Two col. maps with 7 ancillary maps. Relief shown by hachures or contours. "Accompanying inspection report of Brig. Gen. Z.B. Tower."
United States. War Department
Nashville, Tenn.
United States. War Department
Full Title
Nashville, Tenn., from the south-east, showing the State Capitol. Accompanying letter of Col. W.E. Merrill ... (with) Fort on St. Cloud Hill, Nashville, Tenn. in course of construction, Oct. 15th '62. (with) Point of Lookout Mountain, Tenn. taken during high water, looking down the river. (with) Rossville Gap., Ga. (with) Buzzard Roost Gap and Rocky Face Ridge, Ga. (with) 100 pdr. gun battery, intrenchments at Dutch Gap, Va. (with) Canvass pontoon bridge, Appomattox River, Broadway, Va. (with) Battery Spofford, Va. (with) Signal station, Va. at Fort Wisconsin, left of line. Julius Bien & Co., Lith., N.Y. (1891-1895)
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Eleven sepia-toned lithographs. Three views have "Accompanying report of Lieut. P.S. Michie, U.S. Engrs." Signal station view has "Accompanying report of Big. Gen. G. Weitzel, U.S. Army."
United States. War Department
Iron clads, Engine "Hero," rebel lines, ...
United States. War Department
Full Title
Position of iron clads, January 15th, 1865. Engine "Hero" destroyed partially by rebels when avacuating (sic) Atlanta, Ga. (with) Rebel lines, Atlanta, Ga. looking across Augusta R.R. to the southward. (with) Rebel line on Augusta R.R. ... looking south. (with) Rebel lines on west side of Atlanta, Ga. looking southward. (with) Rebel lines, Atlanta, Ga. (with) U.S. Rolling Mill at Chattanooga, Tenn. (with) Ruins of rolling mill and cars destroyed by rebels on evacuation of Atlanta, Ga. (with) Round-house, Chattanooga R.R. at Atlanta, Ga. (with) Potter House, Atlanta, Ga. showing effects of bombardment. Julius Bien & Co., Lith., N.Y. (1891-1895)
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Ten sepia-toned lithographs. Some accompany report of Capt. O.M. Poe. U.S. Rolling Mill from original photograph in Office of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army. Iron clads from original in archives of the U.S. Coast Survey. Ships shown: Minnesota, Wabash, Mahopac, Canonicus, Iron Sides, Monadnock, Saugus, Malvern and Brooklyn.
Kellogg, Sanford Cobb, 1842-; Mergell, C...
Chattanooga Campaign.
[Kellogg, Sanford Cobb, 1842-, Mergell, C. S., United States. Army. Corps of Engineers]
Full Title
The Chattanooga Campaign of August and September 1863, enlarged from a map compiled in 1865, by C.S. Mergell, under the direction of Col. W.E. Merrill, 1st U.S. V.V. Eng'rs, and published by the Chief of Engineers of the Army in 1874. Drawn by J. von Glumer. Positions of troops located in 1891 by Captain S.C. Kellogg, 5th Cavalry. Julius Bien & Co. lith. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1891)
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Col. lithographed map. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Includes lengthy note "Legend." Shows actions July 15-Aug. 31.
Kellogg, Sanford Cobb, 1842-; Mergell, C...
Chattanooga Campaign.
[Kellogg, Sanford Cobb, 1842-, Mergell, C. S., United States. Army. Corps of Engineers]
Full Title
The Chattanooga Campaign of August and September 1863, enlarged from a map compiled in 1865, by C.S. Mergell, under the direction of Col. W.E. Merrill, 1st U.S. V.V. Eng'rs, and published by the Chief of Engineers of the Army in 1874. Drawn by J. von Glumer. Positions of troops located in 1891 by Captain S.C. Kellogg, 5th Cavalry. Julius Bien & Co. lith. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1891)
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Col. lithographed map. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Includes lengthy note "Legend." Shows actions Aug. 29-Sept. 17.
Kellogg, Sanford Cobb, 1842-; Mergell, C...
Chattanooga Campaign.
[Kellogg, Sanford Cobb, 1842-, Mergell, C. S., United States. Army. Corps of Engineers]
Full Title
The Chattanooga Campaign of August and September 1863, enlarged from a map compiled in 1865, by C.S. Mergell, under the direction of Col. W.E. Merrill, 1st U.S. V.V. Eng'rs, and published by the Chief of Engineers of the Army in 1874. Drawn by J. von Glumer. Positions of troops located in 1891 by Captain S.C. Kellogg, 5th Cavalry. Julius Bien & Co. lith. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1891)
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Col. lithographed map. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Includes lengthy note "Legend." Shows actions Sept. 9-19.
Kellogg, Sanford Cobb, 1842-; Mergell, C...
Chattanooga, Chickamauga campaigns.
[Kellogg, Sanford Cobb, 1842-, Mergell, C. S., United States. Army. Corps of Engineers]
Full Title
The Chattanooga Campaign of August and September 1863, enlarged from a map compiled in 1865, by C.S. Mergell, under the direction of Col. W.E. Merrill, 1st U.S. V.V. Eng'rs, and published by the Chief of Engineers of the Army in 1874. Drawn by J. von Glumer. Positions of troops located in 1891 by Captain S.C. Kellogg, 5th Cavalry. Movements and positions preceding Battle of Chickamauga, locations made by Captain S.C. Kellogg, 5th Cavalry, 1891. Julius Bien & Co. lith. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1891)
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Two col. lithographed maps on 1 sheet. Scale of "Movements and positions preceding Battle of Chickamauga ..." (ca. 1:82,000), covering W 85o 20'--W 85o05'/N 35o10'--N 34o40'). Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Includes lengthy note "Legend." In margin: Errata * In last line of legend for westward read eastward. Shows actions July 10-Sept. 13.
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